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Message to Muslim American Society

Muslim American Society - Muslim  in Washington DC

Muslim American Society

(800) 627-2166
(800) 627-2166

About Muslim American Society

Established in 1993 as a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a dynamic charitable, religious, social, cultural, and educational, organization. We offer unique programs and services that seek to better the individual and in turn the wider public by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting community service, engaging in political activism, and much more.

Our Mission: To move people and nurture lifelong, God-centered agents of change.

Our Vision: A vibrant American Muslim community striving for a just and virtuous society.

Focusing on personal development of individuals through a comprehensive Islamic educational curriculum, MAS promotes active involvement in communities across the U.S. by providing opportunities for community service, interfaith initiatives, youth programs, and civic engagement. By cooperating and collaborating with other organizations, MAS has expanded its reach into thousands of communities across the United States.


Primary Office Location

pin 712 H Street NE, Ste 1258 Washington DC 20002

pin (800) 627-2166

Social Media

Twitter page for Muslim American Society - Muslim  in Washington Facebook page for Muslim American Society - Muslim  in Washington Instagram page for Muslim American Society - Muslim  in Washington Instagram page for Muslim American Society - Muslim  in Washington
Message Muslim American Society
(800) 627-2166