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Message to Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations - Muslim  in Lombard IL

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

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About Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) is a registered body of 23 IMAs and 30 associate members worldwide, representing about 50,000 Muslim medical and health professionals. The mission of FIMA is to provide a platform for Muslim physicians worldwide in the areas of medical education and ethics, student camps and humanitarian and medical relief. It is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization.


Primary Office Location

pin 101 West 22nd Street, Suite 106 Lombard IL 60148


Social Media

Twitter page for Federation of Islamic Medical Associations - Muslim  in Lombard Facebook page for Federation of Islamic Medical Associations - Muslim  in Lombard
Message Federation of Islamic Medical Associations